Sunday, October 28, 2018

Other blogs

In my last post here, I mentioned three other blogs, but I failed to link to them. Here are those links...

  • Harmonic Lattice, renamed from Harmonic Ratio, is about a project to make musical scales based on pure intervals easier to use (loosely based on Just Intonation).
  • Regenerative AgRobotics, renamed from Cultibotics, is about the application of robotics to enabling the scalability of perennial polyculture.
  • Aging Gracefully Through Gentle Martial Practice is about what my fascination with the martial arts has evolved into and the insights I've experienced along the way.

Outside of these long-term obsessions, I haven't had much to say lately. No idea whether that will change.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Repurposing this blog

If you don't count my homepage, this blog is my first public online endeavor still in existence, predating my original Twitter account by a couple of years.

Nevertheless, it has fallen into neglect, owing in no small part to having lost my taste for the brashness with which much of it is written. Perhaps I've gotten over myself.

I'd been toying with the idea of closing it, or weeding out the more egregious posts (a bigger project than I really wanted to take on), but rather than either of those I think I'll simply repurpose it.

Henceforth you can expect less in the way of pompous broad strokes here, and, if anything, a bit more attention to detail, technical and otherwise.

I'm not setting out to be boring, but there's a ready supply of brashness to be found elsewhere, and I really don't feel as though I need to be contributing to it.

I have three other blogs for specific interests. As before, this one remains a catchall for whatever doesn't neatly fit one of those, so maybe it isn't so much a repurposing as a retuning.